Wasted Resources In Student Halls? An Opportunity for Change

From working with various UK universities over the past few years on sustainability-related projects, I have noticed one major challenge which keeps going unaddressed – the amount of wasted household items left behind by students (myself included) living temporarily in student accommodation. While there is certainly the wider issue both nationally and globally of furniture […]

Read More Wasted Resources In Student Halls? An Opportunity for Change

Are compostables really a better alternative for packaging?

With plastics fastly becoming a controversial material in the world of packaging, many businesses are turning to “compostable” alternatives. But what exactly are these and are they really a better alternative? What is compostable packaging made from? Compostable packaging is mainly made from Polylactic Acid (PLA), which is a form of plastic made from plant […]

Read More Are compostables really a better alternative for packaging?

How and why the EU needs to take action to tackle microfibres in the fast fashion industry

Over the past few months, I have been working on the creation of a policy brief as part of my degree, aimed at the European Commission, tackling microfibres in the fast fashion industry. I absolutely loved writing it and have become really passionate about this particular global challenge! Therefore I hope by sharing my findings, […]

Read More How and why the EU needs to take action to tackle microfibres in the fast fashion industry

The problem of Biodiversity loss

Biodiversity (the variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat)  integrity is vital for maintaining ecosystem services, ensuring the safe operating space for humanity on Earth. According to Rockstrom, to keep the planetary boundary within safe limits, there must be no more than 10-100 extinctions per million species annually. […]

Read More The problem of Biodiversity loss

Ozone Depletion: What we can learn from the success of Precautionary Principle

The next few posts on Global Challenges will relate to some of Rockstrom’s 9 key Planetary Boundaries and global governance in relation to them. This is to aid my revision for an upcoming exam on the Environmental Principles of Global Sustainable Development, but will hopefully be educative and informative for anyone reading! The Ozone is […]

Read More Ozone Depletion: What we can learn from the success of Precautionary Principle


Educative and informative campaigns which make the public stop and think about daily lifestyle choices, are something I absolutely love! Ecover, a certified B Corp focused on sustainable cleaning products, has done just that, with its pop-up rubbish cafe based in Covent Garden on the 3rd-4th May. The concept is a zero-waste cafe, in which […]


Doughnut Economics – Kate Raworth

I recently wrote an article all about Doughnut Economics for the National Union of Students (NUS) which you can find here (go have a read first before continuing this!), therefore I won’t duplicate what I have discussed already. However, I really wanted to share this interview with Kate Raworth at the Disruptive Innovation Festival back […]

Read More Doughnut Economics – Kate Raworth